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Help Build the Community

Of God's Kingdom


Struggle in Partnership with Us!

On the doorstep of the 21st century, the followers of St. Norbert -- the Norbertines -- are engaged in a struggle.  Their goal is nothing less than the construction of the Kingdom of God on Earth!  On every continent, men and women are joining the battle against ignorance and evil, preaching the Good News that Jesus Christ died for our sins, that the Reign of God has already begun, and that ALL people are called to participate fully in building up the Church.

You CAN make a difference! 

In Norbertine ministry we look for ways to make a difference in people's lives.  Our mission seeks to bring African-Americans and Whites together in common prayer, projects, and programs.  We strive to develop dignity, growth, and acceptance among the poor and the vulnerable of society. 

Norbertines answer God's call by reflecting on His word, celebrating the Eucharist, singing the Prayers of the Church together, sharing all things in common, and ministering to the needs of God's people in the local Church.  Sound familiar?  It should, this life precisely duplicates the life lived by the early Christians described in the Acts of the Apostles. 

Through each generation and location, the original 12th century dream of St. Norbert is re-fashioned and re-shaped by members of a new culture, and their responses to new demands and new circumstances in which the Church finds new ways of answering God's call.

By Loving and Serving

The Norbertines began to serve the needs of the people of Jackson, Mississippi in 1990 when St. Moses the Black Priory was founded.  We came to share the love of Christ by serving the needs of His people, primarily among African-Americans, and by working for reconciliation among all peoples, especially the poor and vulnerable.  In our community life we strive to grow in loving God and one another.  We seek a new multi-cultural way of making Norbert's vision real for today.  

You too can be a part of this movement for positive, peaceful and effective change.  Contact us at:

Priory of St. Moses the Black
653 Claiborne Avenue
Jackson, MS  39209
Voice:  (601) 354-3287
Fax:  (601) 944-1606


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